The wisdom of the Torah, which was given over 3000 years ago, predates modern science.
Yet, the secrets to a healthy lifestyle are already shared with us by Moses in his last will and testament, in the Torah Portion of Va’eschanan in Deuteronomy. In Chapter 4 verse 15, it states: “Look after yourselves very well… .” The commentaries stop on this verse to explain the depth of its meaning. The Rambam, otherwise known at Maimonides, lived over 850 years ago. He was a philosopher, a doctor and writer, penning many books on Jewish faith and traditions. He writes: Having a totally healthy body is among the paths of serving G-d, for it is impossible to have understanding or knowledge of G-d when one is sick. Therefore, a person must distance himself from things that harm the body.” The Rambam stresses how having a healthy body is among the paths of serving G-d. When one is well, they can focus more easily on Knowledge of G-d, and his holy Torah. We should not take our health for granted, and thank Hashem daily for His infinite wisdom in creating our very life and giving us lifeforce. When we are healthy we have more time to focus on spirituality and can also help others to connect to Hashem, G-d.
So much of physical health depends on spiritual health, the healthier the spirit, and the greater its preponderance over the physical body, the greater its ability to overcome physical shortcomings.
This is so true, that even medical treatments are more effective if they are partnered with the patient’s determination and will to be healthy.
So how should you attempt to “look after yourselves very well?”
- Exercise daily to promote lots of energy and for reducing stress. You also get to interact with beautiful scenery, when walking or exercising in a our wondrous natural environment
- Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts (and some real dark chocolate)
- Look after your mental health with regular breaks and time away from the daily stresses of life
- Balance your life with good friends, and a loving family
- Make sure to pray to a Higher Power, Hashem, every day for support and gratitude for your life
- Count your blessings daily
- Do good deeds for others, you will feel so good about yourself
- Study Torah daily to keep your mind connected to Hashem’s wisdom
Feel free to add a few ideas of your own. Bottom line, if we look after ourselves, we will better be able to look after our families, friends and the world around us.
This article was created with love,
With thanks to the Gutnick edition Chumash Devarim, Parshas Va’eschanan